

by Lauren Bliss

Color Illustrations by DreamLN

A “Crossed Fiction” Story

Will had lived in the suburbs of LA for years. After moving in with his grandmother, he had inherited the house from her — a grand old house full of his grandmother’s memorabilia. Unfortunately, Will was memorabilia himself. He had been clinging to his grandmother’s skirt for a long time, and without her in his life, he kept on living as if she were still there.

Then, down the street, Ruby and Molly moved in. They were two young women who made their living as models, worked in the car show circuit, posing in retro-inspired fashion with retro cars. They lived in a world of kitsch, and a lucrative world at that. They hung out at rockabilly shows, went bowling and took road trips all across the country to vintage car shows.

To Will, it’s an exotic world he’s never dreamed of, but once exposed to it, is compelled to pursue. But Molly and Ruby don’t really need a kid hanging out with them — but they could use a third model to help them out.

Before Will knows it, he’s donning the retro vintage dresses and skirts Molly and Ruby live in and headed off to car shows to model alongside his new friends.

But putting on a dress involves more than just posing as a girl. When the men start to take notice, Will has to start making some decisions. Is he into the dresses as a lark, or as a lifestyle? And is he going to be into everything that comes with wearing a skirt… For life?

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What's Your Tale, Nightingale?


Rated “R” for sexual


• Fashion

• Coerced

• Romance

• Crossdressing Themes

Book. 140 pages.

• 25 illustrations in color

• Instantly downloadable PDF for $9.95

• PDF edition with no copy protection

• Fulfillment by lulu.com

Preview the first 24 pages. PDF Download.

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